Productivity Bulletin: 4/3/2015


  • Convince someone you are correct by asking the right questions:

    For example, “Why do you think this would be a good idea?” or “What do you think the advantages would be?” It sounds obvious, but letting someone persuade themselves will mean they are more confident of their decision in the long term – as if it had been their idea all along.

  • Marie Forleo: Secret Weapon For Leading A Happy Team
    I am not a big fan of Marie, but I am curious what you guys think about this video and her overall presentation (I generally opt to not include her content, but will change that if you see value). Seriously… what is her background?
  • Isaac Asimov’s Advice for Being Creative (Hint: Don’t Brainstorm)

    As someone who makes a living on creative insights (how else to describe proof solving), I’m sympathetic to Asimov’s take. While group activities like brainstorming might be useful for lightweight projects, like coming up with a new slogan for an advertisement, if you’re instead trying to solve an unsolved proof, or, more pressingly, improve ballistic missile defense, there’s no way to avoid learning hard things and then thinking hard about what you learned, hoping to tease out a new connection.