Tips for Better Job Interviews

Job interviews can be intense and difficult.

Worrying about the questions hiring managers and HR teams will ask is stressful. While there are no magic bullets to make every interview perfect, there are some strategies you can deploy to have a better experience.

Preparation is certainly key, but it is important to remember to focus on the lasting impression you are leaving. This video gives some tips on how to do that.

Do Recruiters Judge Your Email Address?

For those that have been on the internet since the early 90’s, it is safe to assume that you amassed several email addresses from the service providers that sprung to life during the internet’s infancy.

AOL. Hotmail. are just a few.

If you continue to use these older email services, will it reflect poorly on you? Does it say something about your ability to change and adapt or embrace newer technologies?

This video ponders this idea and provides some suggestions to move ahead and was inspired by a article by Jeff Somers that can be read here.

Why Do Sales Relationships Go Bad?

A good relationship with a vendor sales representative can be transformational. You can save your company money and they can grow their business.

But there are times when people don’t click or someone is having a bad day and good thing can go wrong.

What can be done to salvage the relationship and when is it time to walk away?

Can ChatGPT Write Contracts?

The last several months have been pivotal for AI chat technology. Not only is it getting better, it is becoming very accessible to everyday users.

I have been testing Chat GPT and Google’s Bard to see if they could actually help make my real procurement job easier, and I would say the answer is yes.

This video documents several requests I made of both services and I will let you know which one I think is best as of April 2023.