- Interesting podcast from the former Chief Procurement Officer of the department for Homeland Security (Nick Nayak). Interesting to hear about their procurement cycles:
- Three steps on buying an analytics solution:
http://www.strategicsourceror.com/2015/01/3-steps-to-buying-analytics-solution.html - Helping Supply Chain become more strategic:
Procurement, in contrast, has not completely shifted to the cloud yet and has a much broader landscape to cover. Depending on the organisation, procurement activity could be undertaken by individuals in the Procurement, Finance, HR, Operations, Shared Services, Supply Chain and Accounts Payable functions. While all functions will share the same overall business goals, they are unlikely to share the same approach to managing spend. This fragmentation has historically meant that getting all spend under management has been very difficult.
- Can your supply chain survive a cyber-attack?
1. Update your supplier vetting checklist
2. Look for potential “weak links
3. Redundancy is key
4. Test, test, test
5. Develop internal partnerships