Internships Are Critical for Finding Full Time Jobs

College students are heading back to campus for a new school year. They are thinking about dorms, classes, and their friends. They should also be thinking about securing an internship.

Approximately 70% of employers offer their interns full-time jobs upon graduation. Students who completed an internship are 15% less likely to be unemployed in the first years after college. Not having a strategy to get an internship could really impact a student’s life after school.

Now is the time to start prepping.

Internships give experience, create networking opportunities, and they help kids determine if they even like the job.

How Do Teams Become Dysfunctional?

Poor communication, no training, and lack of resources can lead to teams becoming less productive. But those issues could be a part of more dysfunctional problems like a fundamental lack of trust within the organization.

This video leverages Patrick Lencioni’s “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team” to highlight areas where things can go very badly.

I then use examples from Jim Collins’ book “Great By Choice” to build a team back up by allowing them to be creative and try new ideas.

Developing Managers and Leaders

I spent the last two months reading articles, finding videos, and reading books about leadership development. I was surprised with what I found.

45% of managers report they did not receive formal training to manage people or develop strategy.

How can we have so many people striving to advance, yet we don’t have a good system to ensure we are developing good managers and leaders?

This video covers development strategies mixed with my own personal experiences and thoughts.