How Does Procurement Get a Seat at the Table?

One of the most frequently asked procurement questions is… “how does procurement get a seat at the table?

For non-procurement people, this means:

  • Being including in purchasing decisions with business customers
  • Customers asking for feedback about suppliers
  • Using procurement data to develop trends and drive better purchasing decisions

This video covers 5 techniques to improve procurement and business engagement:

  1. Aligning Procurement with Business Goals
  2. Building Strong Relationships
  3. Leveraging Data and Analytics
  4. Demonstrating Leadership
  5. Continuous Improvement

Procurement 101 – Introducing Concepts

The Source Blog presents the “Procurement 101” series. These videos are intended to introduce basic concepts of procurement for people in and out of the industry.

Procurement goes by many names – supply chain, buying, sourcing, purchasing (the list goes on). Whatever you call it, the function of the organization is to reduce cost and risk.

As the series progresses, more complicated concepts will be introduced as well as basic guidelines and strategies.

This first video sets the table on what global procurement actually does and covers material and indirect supply chain.

Script/Notes for this video (click here)

Photo by Jon Cellier on Unsplash