Supplier Report: 7/2/2016

sn_throwrock_Felix Russell-Saw

This week the various arms of HP have caught my attention.  They successfully defeated Oracle over their Itanium dispute and have been awarded $3B.

In the wake of that news, HPE CEO Meg Whitman announced a massive restructuring (again) as their long time CTO Martin Fink is on his way out along with their COO. Meanwhile, HP Inc announced the purchase of a 3D scanning company.

With the sell off of the Autonomy products, the divestiture of their consulting services to CSC, and now with this $3B win, both HP companies have some cash, and I want to know what their grand strategy is.

In other news, IBM is doubling down on block-chain technology with their Bluemix Garage initiative, Microsoft has 350 million windows 10 devices active, and Oracle is trying their hardest to kill Java.


  • IBM and Cisco to combine collaboration tools

    IBM’s Verse email platform and Connections collaboration suite are a good match for Cisco products like the Spark messaging app and WebEx conferencing service, so the two vendors have found ways to integrate them, company officials say. All this will happen in the cloud. They’ll demonstrate the first examples next month at the Cisco Live conference.
    IBM and Cisco team up on enterprise collaboration to stave off rivals like Slack and Microsoft

    The bigger picture in this latest IBM and Cisco deal is that both companies are feeling the heat of competition from a wide range of rivals, some big and some actually quite small.

    They include standalone services from popular startups like Slack, Quip, Trello and Asana; as well as those offered by large companies like Microsoft and Citrix, which not only build their own solutions but have been aggressive acquirers of those startups that have built popular enterprise productivity tools.

    It’s a mark of how far we’ve come in the tech world that some of these products from much smaller outfits can give huge IT businesses a run for their money.

  • IBM storage has a new boss: The same one it had six years ago

    At IBM Walsh has a disparate set of products to look after, including FlashSystem, SVC, Storwize, XIV and the DS8000 line. FlashSystem is popular, while the others could be characterised unkindly as fading stars – or, more sympathetically, as long-lived survivors facing the challenges of public cloud storage, software-defined storage, server SANs and hyper-converged systems.

  • IBM Launches NYC Bluemix Garage With Former Azure Exec

    The design element is what made a difference for Murray. For example, one of the Bluemix Garage engagements Murray sat in on was a small startup out of San Francisco that had a complete idea and knew exactly what it wanted to build. IBM had the company come to the garage for a design thinking workshop to help it visualize what it was trying to solve and what experience it wanted its end users to have. And the design workshop, the startup abandoned the idea it initially had because it realized that what it was trying to build wasn’t really what it was trying to solve.
    Can IBM Really Make a Business Out of Blockchain?

    According to Jerry Cuomo, vice president of blockchain and cloud at IBM, the plan will succeed because the company offers a full-suite of tools that allow developers to get up and running quickly while also benefiting from a mentoring environment at the Bluemix Garage. The garage moniker is supposed to exude a Silicon Valley-esque vibe, where people throw around ideas with markers on whiteboards and Post-It Notes.

  • Why IBM Will Soar While Apple Stumbles

    Unfortunately, these great strengths may have become toxic. Its culture has become highly secretive. Suppliers may only refer to Apple by a specially assigned code name. They win new contracts without knowing why and what Apple plans to do with their technology and then lose them again without knowing what they did wrong.



  • Oracle (ORCL) Loses Itanium Lawsuit Worth $3 Billion to HPE

    Oracle and HPE have been embroiled in a legal tangle involving software for Itanium chip-based servers over the last five years. HP Enterprise had asked for $3 billion in compensation from Oracle for allegedly causing a decline in the demand for its Itanium based products.
    Of course, Oracle vows to contest the ruling…

  • How Oracle’s business as usual is threatening to kill Java

    Oracle employees that worked on Java EE have told others in the community that they have been ordered to work on other things. There has also been open talk of some Java EE developers “forking” the Java platform, breaking off with their own implementation and abandoning compatibility with the 20-year-old software platform acquired by Oracle with the takeover of Sun Microsystems six years ago. Yet Oracle remains silent about its plans for Java EE even as members of the governing body overseeing the Java standard have demanded a statement from the company.

Storage ( EMC | Dell )

  • Why states like Massachusetts are trying to curb noncompete pacts

    Noncompete pacts were only one ingredient in the recipe that worked against Massachusetts and to the advantage of Silicon Valley, where employees can depart and start their own companies mostly without fear of a lawsuit. But they mattered. In California, companies are generally prohibited from enforcing noncompete agreements because of a worker-friendly statute from the 19th century.

  • Dell Promises ‘Seamless’ Deal Registration For Partners On First Day After EMC Merger

    In a letter to partners Tuesday, Marius Haas, Dell chief commercial officer and president of enterprise solutions, said the company is “driving to maintain the partner and customer experience you have come to expect today, and at the onset of day one, provide seamless deal registration and intact sales coverage plans.”

    “I do not think it will be seamless,” said a top executive at one large Dell and EMC solution provider, who did not want to be named. “Nothing in life ever is.”

  • Data Protection: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

    The key findings of the survey of IT decision makers at 2,200 organizations included:

    • incidents of traditional data loss and disruption are down since 2014, but new challenges mean 13% more businesses experienced loss overall;
    • over half of businesses fail to protect data in the cloud despite more than 80% indicating they will rely on SaaS-based business applications;
    • 36% have lost data in the last year as the result of a security breach;
    • 73% are not very confident they can protect flash storage environments;
    • the average cost of data loss is more than $914,000.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise | HP Inc

  • Whitman lifts lid on big HPE reorganization
    The CTO and COO are leaving as part of this reorg…

    Whitman also said that HPE would merge its Hewlett Packard Labs research arm into its enterprise group, which is focused on selling data center gear. The idea is to better align research projects with products and services that can eventually be sold, she explained. Antonio Neri, executive vice president and general manager of the HPE enterprise group, will lead Hewlett Packard Labs.

    As for the restructurings, Whitman wrote that it would consolidate its sales teams into one big global sales unit under its enterprise group. HPE will do a similar reshuffling with its marketing departments and will consolidate staff from e-commerce, product marketing, and customer relations group into one big marketing unit.

  • HP launches PC as a service, buys 3D scanning specialists

    HP Inc said it has launched PCs as a service, simplifying PC lifecycle management. HP Device as a Service (DaaS) is designed to help take the stress out of acquiring, deploying and managing technology, with one single contract across devices and services, and no upfront investment. The programme is globally scalable, meaning customers can easily evolve their hardware infrastructure to adapt to changing workforces.

    Separately, HP is buying German companies David Vision Systems and David 3D Solutions, which make 3-D scanning technology, the Wall Street Journal reported. No financial terms were disclosed.–1151217

  • HP, Apple top list of tech companies fighting forced labor risk

    Forced laborers may be charged high recruitment fees to get jobs, be trapped in debt servitude, deprived of their passports or other documents, or made to work excessive hours for low pay, the report said.

    HP, Apple, Intel Corp, Cisco Systems Inc and Microsoft scored highest on the list of 20 publicly traded ICT companies. At the bottom were Keyence, BOE Technology and Canon.


  • What sets Red Hat apart from the Valley

    The Red Hat Summit marked 10 years since Red Hat’s acquisition of JBoss, and today it remains a cornerstone of the company’s offerings. Last year, Red Hat purchased Ansible, the provisioning system that competes with Chef and Puppet. In both the case of Ansible and of 3scale, Red Hat seized a smaller firm that was doing quite well, yet hadn’t taken over the market mindshare the way their public and near-public competitors had.

    Why is it that Red Hat seems to be more successful with technology acquisitions than, say, an HPE, which took on companies like Mercury, Autonomy and even Compaq? Red Hat CFO Frank Calderoni said that these successes come from disciplined acquisitions goals.

  • Salesforce is way behind Oracle, Microsoft, and SAP in one important area of its business

    Market-research firm Cowen Group pointed out in a note published on Thursday that Salesforce generates a substantially lower percentage of revenue from international regions compared to other software makers.

    As seen in the chart below, Salesforce gets only 32% of its revenue from outside the US, lagging behind SAP, Oracle, and Microsoft, which all generate over half of their sales from overseas.


Photo: Felix Russell-Saw

Supplier Report: 6/25/2016

sn_rose_Craig Dennis

“Sell, Sell, Sell!” is the theme of the week. Dell is selling off Quest and SonicWall while HP Inc finishes the job they started in April and sold off their Extreme platform to OpenText.

Microsoft bought a text app company named Wand while RedHat purchased 3scale.

We also look at IBM’s purchases over the last 6 months and go deeper into understanding their future direction.


  • What Do IBM’s Acquisitions over The Past Six Months Indicate?

    International Business Machines has acquired nine companies in the last six months. The acquisitions indicate that the company is focused on rebuilding its business around digital marketing, Software as a Service (SaaS) verticals and business intelligence verticals

  • Inside IBM’s plan to become a cloud broker and even resell AWS, Microsoft Azure

    While cloudMatrix is a cloud broker, the term is a bit of a misnomer. CloudMatrix is priced as a subscription based on the number of virtual machines used. What IBM is really going for is to be the proverbial one pane of glass for IT infrastructure with a financial engine to gauge costs on the fly. CloudMatrix supports AWS, Azure and SoftLayer on the cloud side and VMware vCloud Director and vRealize. OpenStack and Google Cloud Platform will be added in the months to come.

  • IBM unveils serverless-computing, simplifies IoT app development

    IBM has unveiled its new Bluemix OpenWhisk, allowing developers to build feature-rich, intuitive applications which easily connect to the Internet of Things and tap into advanced services such as cognitive and analytics without the need to deploy and manage extra infrastructure. Bluemix OpenWhisk has been positioned as a serverless computing platform that leverages Docker and features new user interface updates that claims to drive efficiency for developers.

  • IBM Named a Leader in Gartner Magic Quadrant for Disaster Recovery as a Service
    Oh how I love press releases…

    “We believe IBM’s recognition in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Disaster Recovery as a Service report is due to the strength and reach of our resiliency services portfolio, and the results our clients are experiencing on a daily basis,” said Laurence Guihard-Joly, General Manager, IBM Resiliency Services. “Given the range of risks surrounding businesses today, we are dedicated to continue delivering the most advanced, secure solutions in the industry so clients – no matter how hybrid their IT environments are – can focus first and foremost on keeping their businesses up and running for long term growth.”

  • IBM promises 200 petaflop supercomputer

    The US is clearly embarrassed the Chinese Sunway TiahuLight system is leading the supercomputer arms race. Now the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory has announced that is having a new IBM system, named Summit, delivered in early 2018 that will now be capable of 200 peak petaflops.

    That would make it almost twice as fast as TaihuLight. The Summit will be based around IBM Power9 and Nvidia Volta GPUs. Summit use only about 3,400 nodes. Each node will have “over half a terabyte” of coherent memory (HBM + DDR4), plus 800GB of non-volatile RAM that serves as a burst buffer or extended memory.


  • Microsoft buys Wand to improve chat capabilities

    The Wand team will be joining Bing’s engineering and platform group, Corporate Vice President David Ku wrote in a post announcing the deal Thursday. The company’s team members will be working primarily on Microsoft’s push to enable the creation of intelligent chatbots and virtual assistants.

    It’s a natural fit for Wand, which had been working since 2013 on apps that let users chat with one another and add outside information from sources like Yelp. Users could share music and let other people access their smart home devices using Wand, too.

  • Psst, want to flog a turkey like LinkedIn? Well, phone up Microsoft

    In that sense, the purchase of LinkedIn reminds one of Microsoft’s acquisition in September 2013 of the mobile phone assets of Nokia, the Finnish telecoms giant. That deal was masterminded (if that is the right word) by Nadella’s predecessor, Steve Ballmer, and likewise represented a desperate attempt to rectify an earlier strategic blunder, namely Microsoft’s failure to spot the smartphone revolution that had been launched by Apple in 2007. The Nokia venture turned out to be an unmitigated disaster and led to Microsoft writing off a loss of $7.9bn in July last year.

    Acquiring LinkedIn would have provided Salesforce with a vast amount of data on users all around the world. This would have helped Salesforce develop tools and enabled customers to finalize sales deals. Users’ profiles on LinkedIn provide an insight into a range of information, including users’ skills, responsibilities in previous jobs, and contact details.


  • Microsoft is marketing software to help state governments keep track of legal marijuana

    To do this, Microsoft is partnering with Kind a company who built software to track legal marijuana from “seed to sale” for local and state government agencies. Kind’s government solutions department says their mission is to help the cannabis industry to transact safely; transact securely, and stay in compliance with the rules and regulations governing marijuana-related businesses. Microsoft will leverage their cloud platform Azure to facilitate and expand the services, and will be actively marketing it in states where marijuana is legal at some level. Microsoft will not be working with Kind’s Kiosk division or any point of sale services — this is strictly for government agencies.

  • Is It Time For Microsoft To Rebrand?

    But I’m not suggesting that the Microsoft brand go away completely. It does seem, though, that its role should change. Instead of serving as the corporate moniker and the lead brand for the company, Microsoft could be used as a product or category brand and a business unit name. Just as Google’s leaders adopted Alphabet as the parent company name and transitioned the Google brand away from entities “far afield” from its main Internet products, perhaps it’s time for Nadella to limit the use of the Microsoft and adopt a new name for his company.


Storage [EMC | Dell | Infinidat]

  • Dell sells data analytics unit to Francisco Partners, Elliott

    Private equity players Francisco Partners and Elliott Management have signed a definitive agreement to snap up all shares in Dell Software Group for $US2 billion, according to newswire Reuters. Terms of the deal will see the combined entity take control of both Quest and SonicWall, which provide business software to more than 180,000 customers across the world.
    Is Dell cutting too deep?

    In March, Dell sold its consultancy arm to NTT Data for $3 billion. This latest sale sees it dispose of the bulk of its software division including security to Francisco Partners and Elliot Management. The two big assets in this sale are Quest and SonicWALL. Nobody is speaking publicly about what Dell will get but Reuters has cited an insider putting the deal at over $2 billion. If that number is accurate it represents a loss for Dell who paid $2.4 billion just for Quest in 2012.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise | HP Inc

  • Open Text to buy customer communications assets from HP for $315 million US

    The transaction includes HP Extream, HP Output Management, HP TeleForm and HP LiquidOffice – collectively used to manage customer communications.

    Open Text said the purchase will help it expand its range of customer communications management products and services.

    It estimates the acquired HP businesses will generate between $110 million and $125 million US of annualized revenue.

  • HP Inc. Plans to Use Gains From Divestiture to Invest in Print

    The company’s move will reduce revenue in the supplies category, including items like ink cartridges and toner, by about $450 million over two quarters, Chief Financial Officer Catherine Lesjak said Tuesday on a conference call with analysts. HP Inc. will gain about $285 million from the divestiture of its Marketing Optimization assets. The company said it will pay back the investment over three years.


  • Amazon Web Services Expanding With Artificial Intelligence

    On June 15, Smola reported he would be joining Amazon to lead its artificial intelligence initiatives mostly focused within the firm’s cloud machine learning platform business. With this effort, Amazon will be increasing its competitiveness in the infrastructure as a service artificial intelligence market. Current competitors are Microsoft Azure, IBM SmartCloud and Google Compute Engine, all offering different variations of artificial intelligence technology.

  • Red Hat to Acquire API Management Leader 3scale

    3scale complements our existing middleware product portfolio and Red Hat OpenShift by enabling companies to create and publish APIs with tools such as Red Hat JBoss Fuse, and then manage and drive adoption of those APIs once they have been published.

Supplier Report: 6/18/2016

sn_lion_Samuel Scrimshaw

The big news this week is Microsoft purchasing LinkedIn.  It has been less than a week since the news broke and I am already sick of the press guessing about “Microsoft’s grand plan”.

The Dell/EMC merger is starting to show stress marks with EMC employees.  EMC is already starting to reduce staff to prepare for the acquisition and now EMC employees are starting a “pop up union” in Boston to eliminate non-compete-clauses.

IBM is having some tax trouble in India, labor issues in Canada, and real estate problems in Buffalo (maybe). But they are getting in the self-driving car game.


  • IBM Watson takes on diabetes

    IBM has made two announcements around research projects. The first is a joint project between IBM Research and Maccabi Healthcare. This will take six years of research from IBM, including a predictive model it released last year, and combine that with Maccabi Healthcare’s anonymised diabetic patient database which covers 20% of the Israeli population.

    The goal is to create a predictive model to help with the early detection of diabetic retinopathy which leads to blindness. By using the two bodies of research the project teams want to deliver personalised healthcare plans for sufferers. This will include predicting the need for eye tests and how often they should take place based on the severity of the diabetes.

    The second research project is with the American Diabetes Association. IBM is to help the ADA ingest its extensive repository of data into IBM Watson. The initial target is to build a diabetes advisor for both patients and healthcare workers based on the biggest set of data in the world.

  • India casts tax net over IBM again

    India has been embroiled in tax rows over the last few years with Vodafone, Nokia, Shell and Cairn Energy, all of which face billions of dollars in back tax over issues ranging from capital gains to transfer pricing.

    With foreign investors accusing the government of a lack of clarity in its tax enforcement , the Income Tax Department appears to be delaying action against IBM India. With this latest claim, IBM India could be liable for more than $1 billion in back taxes, including penalties and interest.

  • IBM says Buffalo plans unchanged

    IBM Corp. denied Tuesday that it is freezing its investment and hiring at the data analytics and technology services center in Buffalo while federal prosecutors continue their investigation into the state’s Buffalo Billion economic development program. The New York Post reported Tuesday that the company had decided to “cease all new investments and additional hiring’’ until the investigation is completed. “The story is untrue,” an IBM spokesman said.

  • Victory for IBM employees in Bromont

    In a historic judgment made public yesterday, Judge François P. Duprat of the Superior Court of Quebec ordered IBM Canada to pay more than $ 23 million to a group of 451 employees and former employees of its plant inBromont, Quebec.  Judge Duprat ruled that IBM could not go back on a promise made to employees to pay them a bridge benefit upon early retirement, benefit they were about to become eligible to receive.

  • Watson is getting in on the self-driving game…

    Olli, which can carry up to 12 passengers, taps into four Watson APIs (Speech to Text, Natural Language Classifier, Entity Extraction and Text to Speech) to interact with its riders. It can answer questions like “Can I bring my children on board?” and respond to basic operational commands like, “Take me to the closest Mexican restaurant.” Olli can also give vehicle diagnostics, answering questions like, “Why are you stopping?”

  • IBM and The Weather Company announce Deep Thunder

    The Weather Company is already able to analyse over 100 terabytes of third-party data daily and its regional model are currently being used by businesses around the world to get accurate guidance on the weather and weather related events. The new models that will form Deep Thunder were all designed by IBM and were created with business in mind. They especially excel at hyper local forecasts at a 0.2 to 1.2 mile resolution.


  • Why Microsoft Is Spending $26 Billion on LinkedIn

    The core idea is to draw on more data to boost productivity and make both LinkedIn and Microsoft more essential to the workday. But whenever personal data is the lifeblood of a business plan, privacy concerns emerge. Nadella said that “nothing will get connected or linked without users opting in” but also extolled the potential of applying machine learning to user data in order to generate more recruitment leads and help sales forces drum up more business. Bosses will also have a clearer view of who employees are talking to and how they’re spending their time.
    Microsoft’s Massive LinkedIn Deal Is a Sign of Something Dangerous

    The deal highlights one crucial way in which our market system is no longer serving the real economy. Why would a cash-rich firm like Microsoft go into debt and cause ratings agency Moody’s to put it on a possible downgrade list? Because it will save around $9 billion in U.S. taxes by doing so. Debt is tax deductible, and borrowing will save Microsoft money relative to bringing overseas cash back home and paying the U.S. corporate tax rate on it.
    Why Microsoft Wanted LinkedIn

    That’s where LinkedIn comes in. Announcing the acquisition, Nadella made it clear that he’s buying the social-networking company because he believes it can improve Microsoft’s existing cloud-based services. Microsoft wants LinkedIn for its rich, detailed data about companies’ workers, which it hopes to bake into Microsoft services like Outlook and Skype, to make those services more engaging. One slide in the companies’ presentation to investors shows a woman using Microsoft’s digital assistant, Cortana, ahead of a meeting with someone named Sam. Cortana tells her what it knows about Sam, based partly on his LinkedIn profile: “You and Sam both went to the University of Washington and you both know Cindy Smith. Good news, the Huskies won last night’s game. Do you want to look at Sam’s profile?” As he showed the slide, Nadella told investors, “Just imagine you’re walking into a meeting, and Cortana now wakes up and tells you about the people you’re meeting for the first time, but tells you all the things that you want to know before walking into meeting someone.” Lost LinkedIn Bid to Microsoft’s offer price isn’t known, but Brent Thill, an analyst at UBS Group, said purchasing LinkedIn would have been a stretch for the company, which makes web-based software for salespeople. The price Microsoft paid is nearly half of’s $55.9 billion market capitalization.

Storage: Dell | EMC | Infinidat

  • What to Look for When Dell-EMC Closes

    While the two companies have widely varied and mostly complimentary products and services, there are likely to be a lot of redundancies that will lead to layoffs. EMC has already announced it is laying off people as part of a restructuring plan ahead of the deal. Dell has sold off and IPOed major assets it acquired over the past decade, such as Perot Systems and SecureWorks.

    But as the companies continue to align their businesses, it is likely we’ll see more positions eliminated. Securities filings by EMC indicate layoffs are ongoing and will continue through the end of 2016.

  • Why EMC Employees Are Forming a ‘Pop-Up’ Union to Take Down Noncompetes

    Johnson said the group formed this spring because employees may have extra leverage with Dell’s pending acquisition of EMC and some of the snags that it has hit. The group is gathering signatures from current and ex-employees on its website, and it’s expected to vote to certify itself with the National Labor Relations Board later this summer.


  • Microsoft’s big LinkedIn purchase puts the pressure on Google to respond

    Google will have to answer — particularly since one product Microsoft said LinkedIn will assist with is Cortana, its artificial intelligence-powered personal assistant. AI is a linchpin feature that Google is using with its enterprise software sales pitch. Google’s AI is widely considered best in the industry; but with LinkedIn’s data, Microsoft could have a critical edge in its offering that trumps Google.

    Why does Google HAVE to answer? There is an excellent chance that MS overpaid for LinkedIn, should google rush in and overpay for another company to further complicate the holdings they currently have?

  • Why Twitter could be attractive to an enterprise tech vendor

    Nevertheless, Twitter could be valuable to a few companies due to its unique characteristics. Twitter’s ability to gauge public sentiment, become a breaking news venue and broadcast information easily could make it the eyes and ears for an artificial intelligence system or an analytics suite. Simply put, data matters.


  • Everybody wants to buy SalesForce… including Oracle?

    As of the most recent quarter, Oracle had about $51 billion in cash, which is good because Salesforce isn’t cheap. Its shares trade around $82, up 4% for the year to date compared with a 1.2% rise in the S&P 500. It has a market cap and enterprise value of around $55 billion through Monday’s closing price. But buying Salesforce would bring Oracle $2 billion in cash.

    Both companies offer enterprise software for sales and other functions, and Oracle is racing to catch Salesforce in with its subscription-based software. At the same time, both companies would complement each other’s weakness.
    Larry Ellison takes cloud fight to Jeff Bezos

    Still, Ellison says Oracle has a “fighting chance” to be the first software-as-a-service (SaaS) company to $10 billion in revenue, which would mean beating Salesforce. Oracle co-CEO Safra Catz said on the call that based on a 64 percent increase in deferred revenue and 38 percent jump in billings, “we are now growing faster than both Salesforce and Workday in every way.”

    Thill, who has a buy rating on Oracle shares, isn’t buying the argument. Salesforce, the leader in SaaS, is expected to generate revenue this year of well over $8 billion and says it has a contract backlog of $11 billion.

  • Oracle misses 4Q profit forecasts

    On a per-share basis, the Redwood City, California-based company said it had net income of 66 cents. Earnings, adjusted for one-time gains and costs, were 81 cents per share.

    The results fell short of Wall Street expectations. The average estimate of 15 analysts surveyed by Zacks Investment Research was for earnings of 82 cents per share.

Photo: Charles Forerunner

Supplier Report: 6/4/2016

sn_darkwalk_Tony Webster

The tables have turned for Oracle. A month ago they were suing Google for $8.8B dollars and now they are being sued by HPE for failure to comply with a contractual support commitment AND for potentially cooking their books in the cloud space.

SalesForce and IBM both announced that they are purchasing companies this week. But are these companies taking on too much debt?  SaleForce is already being called out for paying too much for DemandWare ($2.8B), but is cheap credit causing a bigger issue in the tech-world?



  • Microsoft and Facebook to build subsea cable across Atlantic

    MAREA will be the highest-capacity subsea cable to ever cross the Atlantic – featuring eight fiber pairs and an initial estimated design capacity of 160Tbps. The new 6,600 km submarine cable system, to be operated and managed by Telxius, will also be the first to connect the United States to southern Europe: from Virginia Beach, Virginia to Bilbao, Spain and then beyond to network hubs in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. This route is south of existing transatlantic cable systems that primarily land in the New York/New Jersey region. Being physically separate from these other cables helps ensure more resilient and reliable connections for our customers in the United States, Europe, and beyond.

  • Microsoft faces blowback in China over unwanted Windows 10 upgrades

    Posts critical of Microsoft on microblog site Weibo relating to the Windows 10 upgrade, which Microsoft users must switch to, have grown to over 1.2 million in number, it said. “The company has abused its dominant market position and broken the market order for fair play,” Xinhua quoted Zhao Zhanling, a legal adviser with the Internet Society of China, as saying. He said users or consumer protection organizations had the right to file lawsuits against the company as Microsoft had not respected users’ right to know and choose, and may eventually profit from the unwanted upgrades.

  • Microsoft just BANNED all your terrible passwords (there were hundreds of articles about this)

    The US technology firm has created a dynamically-updated list of terrible passwords, which it will not let you use when registering for an account online.

    Rather than provide some loose guidelines about password length and complexity, the Redmond firm will not let you use any of the commonly used passwords.

    The list of offenders will be continually updated based on new leaks, so when people start to shift to other easy-to-guess passwords – these will also be banned.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise | HP Inc

  • What Will HPE Sell Next?

    I’d say the smart money was on servers. When IBM sold off PCs, it couldn’t sustain its Intel-based server business and had to sell it to Lenovo — the firm that bought the PC business. So I guess HPE could try to sell servers to HP Inc., but HP Inc. is up to its eyeballs in debt already, thanks to being gifted with all of the company debt in the divestiture, so I doubt it has the resources to buy it.

    Next in line would be Oracle, because Mark Hurd knows the business and it would strengthen Oracle’s offering. However, Hurd also knows what it is worth, and I’ll bet it is less than Whitman is willing to accept.

    This is interesting:

    Maybe this should be titled “Death by CEO.” If you don’t buy it, just take a look at HP Inc.’s executive team.

    You’ll see two people who likely have the strongest inside knowledge of Meg Whitman’s plan: HP’s old CFO Cathie Lesjak, who is rather famous for either stopping or trying to stop some of HP’s biggest mistakes; and HP’s old head of HR, Tracy Keogh, who is out of Harvard and arguably the most qualified HR director in tech. Both of them left HPE, and probably not because they thought Whitman was a brilliant CEO. Just saying.

  • Is There More Upside for Computer Sciences?

    HP Enterprise (ticker: HPE) gets to unload its slowly shrinking business of managing computer networks and focus on its growing business of selling networking hardware and software, along with specialized services. Computer Sciences (CSC) gets something big to squeeze costs out of. It has plenty of recent experience. Barron’s recommended shares of Computer Sciences nearly three years ago based on new chief Mike Lawrie’s work letting go of money-losing contracts and consolidating scattered departments to bring down costs (“Jockeying for Position in the Cloud,” Sept. 14, 2013). Shares have more than doubled since then, factoring in the spinoff of a government-services unit last year and dividends, including a $10.50 a share special.

  • HP Enterprise takes Oracle to court, demands $3B

    In spite of the Itanium’s reputation, a 2010 settlement agreement between HP and Oracle obligated Oracle to offer its products on HP’s Itanium-based server platforms until HP discontinued them. Yet not long after that, Oracle announced it would no longer support the Itanium platform because HP was planning to shut it down eventually.

  • HPE hunkers down on data center hardware

    What is interesting to us here at The Next Platform is that HPE is focusing down on the most core datacenter products it has, including servers, storage, switches, systems software (including operating systems and a smattering of management tools, databases, and other selected middleware), plus financing for the whole kit and caboodle for those customers who want to use other people’s money to fund their IT infrastructure. The resulting HPE after the spinout of Enterprise Services to CSC is going to be considerably smaller than the HPE that was just separated from the PC and printer business last year – about $33 billion in annual sales – but it is a good guess that this leaner HPE will be a lot more profitable. HPE will also not be going through round after round of restructurings in the services business, which it has endured since buying Compaq in 2001 and which accelerated in the wake of the acquisition of EDS in 2008.


  • Oracle Shares Fall After a Lawsuit Related to Cloud Computing Business

    Svetlana Blackburn, in a suit filed Wednesday in federal court in the Northern District of California, alleges her finance job in Oracle’s cloud-computing business “came to an abrupt end because she resisted, refused to engage in and threatened to blow the whistle on accounting practices she reasonably believed to be unlawful.”


    Later on Thursday, Oracle was hit with another suit, this time a class-action case that cites Ms. Blackburn’s litigation and says the stock drop caused “significant losses and damages” to class members.

    An Oracle investor, Grover M. Klarfeld, sued on behalf of himself and “all others similarly situated.” His complaint accuses the company of violating federal securities laws by using “improper accounting practices to inflate the company’s cloud-computing revenues by millions of dollars.”

  • Oracle Says It Will Sue Former Employee Who Sued It
    Because… of course they will!

    The problem for Oracle, and other large enterprise technology companies, is that no one really believes their cloud sales figures. Reported numbers typically include lots of software and even hardware that most companies would not consider cloud at all, complicating comparisons between growth businesses and legacy businesses.


  • Google goes after Microsoft, Tableau, and others with a new free analytics tool

    The company has launched Data Studio, a free version of the data visualization tool it introduced as part of an analytics suite it unveiled earlier this year. It includes a wide variety of data connectors to let customers visualize data from Google AdWords, Google Sheets, and other Google products.

    It also integrates with BigQuery, and the company plans to launch a connector for SQL databases later this year.

  • Apple is working on an AI system that wipes the floor with Google and everyone else

    For example, imagine asking a computer to “Find a nearby Chinese restaurant with open parking and Wi-Fi that’s kid-friendly.” That’d trip up most assistants, but VocalIQ could handle it. The result? VocalIQ’s success rate was over 90%, while Google Now, Siri, and Cortana were only successful about 20% of the time, according to one source.

  • The Debt Problem Is Bigger Than You Think

    There’s two problems here, though. First, debt has been growing faster than cash. For example, over the last year, cash balances rose 1.8% while debt due in the next five years expanded by 17%, according to Bloomberg. S&P pegged those numbers at 1% and 15% for its sample. But the direction is the same, more debt growth than cash growth. This discrepancy can only go on for so long before it becomes a notable problem – if it hasn’t already.

    Second, all that new debt isn’t getting put to productive use. Indeed, capital spending has hardly been a bright spot in recent quarters, including the relatively weak first quarter of this year. True, a lot of the cash is being pushed toward stock buybacks, which makes sense in some situations. But certainly not in all situations. Dividend increases are another place some cash has been put to work, which makes a dividend investor like me happy. However for some companies, the cost of a dividend hike might not be worth the risk of the debt.

  • Salesforce Acquires Demandware for $2.8 Billion

    Demandware offers a variety of enterprise services through the cloud, including digital commerce, order management, predictive intelligence and point of sale. Prior to the acquisition, the company had counted several global brands among its clients, including Design Within Reach, Lands’ End, L’Oreal, and Marks & Spencer.
    Salesforce: Overpaying For Demandware

    The only reason for a firm to pay a premium over the market value for another firm is if the acquiring firm believes there are significant synergies attainable through acquisition. As the deal is constructed, Salesforce is paying a premium of $27.01/share (from 5/31/16 close price), or slightly over $1 billion above market price. Salesforce has yet to make any mention of the dollar value of synergies between the two companies.

Photo: Tony Webster