Supplier Report: 5/31/2014

** IBM **

Why IBM is in decline:
“Yet for critics of IBM like BW, “Roadmap 2015” is precisely what is killing IBM.  According to BW, IBM’s soaring earnings per share and its share price are built on a foundation of declining revenues, capability-crippling offshoring, fading technical competence, sagging staff morale, debt-financed share buybacks, non-standard accounting practices, tax-reduction gadgets, a debt-equity ratio of around 174 percent, a broken business model and a flawed forward strategy.”
How IT Organizations can encourage collaboration
China looking to ditch IBM:
Magnetic Tape isn’t going away:
** HP **
Who has the worst CEO job: Whitman or Rometty?
HP struggling with Lenovo picking up IBM’s x86 business
** Commentary **
If you have been reading the last few months worth of these reports, IBM has been focusing alot on international government business.  A comment was made in several of these stories this week that IBM is struggling to get their former cash cow business in the US government.   It is an interesting dynamic if you have been paying attention that they have been getting alot of government business overseas.